Delivered a first-of-its-kind redemption platform 


CasaPerks is a rental unit loyalty program that rewards residents immediately for doing things like paying rent on-time.




Rapid Prototyping
Mobile Development

Business Impact

New Revenue Streams



Kickdrum constructed a responsive rewards platform enabling immediate earning and redemptions of points.


Mobile-first platform

Kickdrum created a responsive platform using AWS and React that enabled resident to redeem their points from anywhere. The services-oriented system allows the business to make decisions on vendor selection without having to touch the UI.

Administrative features

Kickdrum enabled admins to manage their properties as well as point balances within the streamlined UI. The business can configure point:dollar configurations to optimize revenue.

Market uniqueness and growth

There are similar programs in the market but nothing exactly like CasaPerks. CasaPerks takes advantage of technology and uses services that offer immediate gratification for residents when they do things like pay rent or attend social events. Onboarding of customers is easy so the business can grow without any development effort.

“Our success is because of you and your team, and I want to thank you for it.”


- CasaPerks Executive


Ready to get started with Kickdrum?


Powering insights with fast, extensible pipelines


Reduced latency and eliminated timeouts