Not all diligence programs are created equal.

Kickdrum Technology Diligence dives deeper into your product and technology, ensuring enterprise value is safe, defensible, and poised for growth.


Is your investment smart? Is it secure? Are there vulnerabilities or limitations based on processes, architecture, code, or even internal team coverage? Kickdrum offers a range of diligence programs, from expedited verbal readouts to comprehensive reports that review in-depth supporting evidence, all within a matter of days or weeks.


To kickoff a project, Kickdrum will gather as much information as possible with a Document Request List, individual or small group interviews, product demos, and more. Timelines and topics will be clearly outlined and mutually reviewed, and early findings will be reported within 24 hours of interviews. Report synthesis and delivery timelines will depend on depth of requested diligence, but can happen within a week if necessary.


Whether evaluating deal risk or looking for maturity, trajectory, or security insights that could impact your business, Kickdrum Technology Diligence includes strategic summaries appropriate for executive and board presentations (Kickdrum can present directly if requested), charts and graphs with easy to understand visuals, and detailed reports that cover either a snapshot view or trends, including:

  • Technology strategy

  • People, culture, organization, and software development process analyses

  • Architecture, scalability, performance, and technical debt insights

  • Cost considerations including serviceability, operational burden, security, compliance and IP

  • Data room reviews and corresponding research

  • Additional detailed assessments as requested, including: product strategy, AI/ML, security penetration tests, source code, and more


Total Transaction Volume


Private Equity Clients


Former CXOs On Our US-Based Team

Which Diligence Assessment is Right for You?

Choose from these program options:

Timing / Cost

Expedited Option

Verbal Readout

Fastest option, no formal report

5-10 days


<=5 days


Key Risks Outline

“Just the facts.” Ideal for limited budget, data, or interview time

2-3 weeks


1-2 weeks


Key Risks Assessment

Deeper inquiry, focus on red flags and threshold risks

3-4 weeks


1-2 weeks


Maturity Assessment

Deepest inquiry, evaluate maturity relative to industry best practices

3-4 weeks


1-2 weeks


See why all Technology Diligence customers have returned to Kickdrum again and again.